What happens when you bring your pet for sterilization?

What does sterilization mean?

Sterilization is the term used to describe the removal of genital organs from the animals. A licensed veterinarian performs sterilization while the animal is under general anaesthesia and under rigorous sterile circumstances.

Advantages of sterilization

Your pet will live a healthier life thanks to sterilization, as sterilized animals are less susceptible to certain infections. Additionally, sterilization might assist in reducing some of your pet's unwanted behaviors.

  1.       Sterilization minimizes the number of unwanted animals by preventing needless reproduction.

Sterilization lowers a female's risk of womb infections like pyometra and cancers of the ovary, uterus, and mammary glands. Mammary cancers are generally highly malignant in unsterilized female cats. Sterilization for males lowers the incidence of prostate disease in male canines and testicular cancer in male pets. Male cats and dogs with undescended testicles are at much higher risk of developing testicular cancer. Hence, sterilization is strongly recommended for these animals.

  1. Sterilized Males are less likely to roam and look for females. If done early enough, it can also minimize the chance of male animals marking their urine. 

 Disadvantages of Sterilization

  1. The behavior of your pet may change after sterilization (e.g., males have less urge to roam and females do not go into heat). These behaviors can increase the risk of obesity. Regardless of whether their animal is sterilized, you should provide adequate exercise and regulate their diet to prevent obesity.
  2. Rarely, an older, sterilized pet may develop some bladder control issues. This is not life-threatening and generally responds favorably to medication 
  3. More recent studies shown some concerns regarding bone health and sterilization of large-breed dogs when they are younger. More data is required to draw specific conclusions. Your Vet is the best person to discuss when would be the most ideal time to sterilize your pet. 

Typical misunderstandings about sterilzing

  •         Surgery for sterilization is risky and excruciatingly painful.

Most Vets are very comfortable performing sterilization as this is the most common surgery done at a general practice. With modern anaesthesia and close monitoring by highly trained staff, the risk is minimal for a healthy patient. Anaesthesia coupled with proper after surgery pain management will minimize any discomfort your pet may feel. Each pet has a different pain tolerance, Your Vet can tailor the pain management based on your pet’s needs. 

  •         Sterilization is expensive.

Sterilization is a surgery that requires highly trained staff, specific medical equipment and medication. The cost required to do so is reflected in the price. The cost of sterilization is generally many times less than if a pet were to acquire a uterus infection or raising an unplanned litter. 



    What happens during your pet for routine sterilization?


    1.                Pre-surgery Check

    During the consultation, the veterinarian will take the patient's weight and ausculate the heart and lungs to make sure there are no obvious abnormalities. The Vet will go through the procedure, aftercare and answer any questions you may have. A consent form has to be filled out. Patients are always admitted in the morning and require fasting.

    1.       Blood test

    Your Vet will speak to you regarding any preanaesthetic blood test or any other test that may be recommended. The recommendation is tailored for your pet.The nurses draw the blood and place them in appropriate tubes. These tubes of blood get sent through the in-house analyzer and a result is acquired that morning. This will help your Vet determine if your pet is suitable for anaesthesia and tailor the medication required for any specific conditions.

    1.        General anesthesia

    Before the surgery, the pet is given some medication to help keep them calm and it also provides pain relief for the anticipated procedure. A dedicated trained nurse will monitor your pet from induction till recovery from general anaesthesia  (G.A.). They will constantly monitor a patient’s vital signs while they are under G.A..The skin of the fur of your pet will be clipped and the skin will be prepared for surgery

    1.       Fluid therapy (if necessary)

    Depending on your pet’s needs fluid treatment may be administered to help maintain blood pressure while under anesthesia.  

    1.       Post operation & discharge

    Your Pet will be monitored for some time after they recover from G.A. Small amount of food and water will be provided after they are assessed to be ready for feeding.

    A nurse will discharge the pet. This is where we convey the aftercare requirements and the important things owners are to take note of during the two weeks of recovery. The nurse will be able to answer any questions you may have and explain how medications may be administered.









    Done by: Nurse Adonicelle