Cat Carrier Introduction
Your cat’s carrier is an essential part of its life. Whether you’re taking her for a vet visit, travelling to visit your family/friends or evacuating in an emergency, your pet needs to learn to accept this form of transport. With the right carrier & a few simple steps, your kitty can learn to love her carrier.
Cat carriers come in many different styles. The best all-purpose choice is a medium-sized (large enough to fit one cat comfortable) plastic box with a handle & openings in the front & the top. These can be found at pet stores & online pet supply outlets.

Here are six steps for best results with cat & carrier :
STEP 1 - To get your cat used to the carrier, start by making it a part of her ordinary life. Leave the carrier in the living room, backed up against a wall, with the door propped open. You may also remove the TOP if your cat is hesitant to walk into the carrier.
STEP 2 - Put a small blanket or a comfortable pillow in the bottom, and toss in a catnip toy and her favourite treats.
STEP 3 - Let it explore the carrier at her leisure: no stress, no drama. For extra de-stressing power, spray a little bit of Feliway. It’s a happy cat pheromone.
STEP 4 - The next step is to get your feline used to doing different things in the carrier. Close the door while she’s inside & leave the room for a few minutes. When you return, prop the carrier door open again. The goal here is to make your cat feel that the carrier is not a trap. Do this several times over the course of a week or so.
STEP 5 - Once she’s used to that, close the door while she’s inside & walk around the house with the carrier. Afterward, set it down, open the door & give her a treat.
Remember to go at the cat’s pace & be patient. Never force your cat into the carrier as it will bring about an aversion to the carrier.
Done by: Nurse Stephanie