Royal Canin

Royal Canin Dog Gastrointestinal Low Fat 410g


Gastro Intestinal Low Fat is a complete diet for the nutritional management of dogs that require a very low fat, highly digestible diet.Recommended for (indications):-Acute and chronic diarrhoea-Acute and chronic pancreatitis-Hyperlipidaemia-Lymphangiectasia - exudative enteropathy-Bacterial overgrowth-Exocrine pancreatic insufficiencyNot recommended for (contraindications):-Pregnancy-Lactation

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This product requires a Veterinary prescription. 

If your pet has been seen at SingVet, a staff will go through your account to see if the requested item has been approved for sale. If your pet has not been seen at SingVet, an original copy of the prescription is required. This has to be presented before the order can be confirmed. Alternatively, you can contact your Veterinarian to email a prescription to Most clinics are able to send a prescription over to SingVet.

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